Tuesday, December 14, 2021

SLJ task 3 activity 5 week 1 day 3 Mandala Mania

 Whats up bloggers

Today i have created a video of me making a stop motion animation but instead i used normal camera. I found this task really fun because i can fresh air while i was searching for plants. I really hope you guys like the video that i made and in the comments tell me what i could add. Here it is. If you have any questions right them in the chat


  1. Kia Ora


    My name is Quein and I am a blog commenter for the Manaiakalani Summer Learning Journey. It was really great to see you engaging with the Step it Activity- Ka pai!!!

    It is Great that you got to enjoy some fresh air. I really enjoy spending time outside in the garden. It looks like you enjoyed the activity alot that is Great to see.

    It does look like a lot of fun, are there any tips you would like to give me for creating a stop motion garden?

    Did you and Asmah create these together? Great teamwork, next time you can have a go at making your own creations- it will be fun to see what you both could create.

    Keep up the good work I am looking forward to your next post

    Ngā mihi,

    1. Hi Quien

      Thank you for leaving a comment. I will take your advise and do something different to Asmah so we can see what each other made.
